
After the departure of the Beutelz probably one of the longest serving punk bands in the district. The good ten-year break because of musical similarities, which we want to suppress gallantly at this point, they ended in exactly the same lineup in which they started them and began to make music at all. A circumstance that will be appreciated by all those who have ever tried to trace who played together with whom in the group Yes and when. In the line-up on stage rather conventional (drums, bass, guitar left, guitar right, vocals), we can still include them in our booklet of unusual line-ups because of their behavior in the rehearsal room. There they rehearse mostly without the drummer, because he lives a bit too much outside. The bitter stocktaking “Germany, your neighbors” is a tip to play. Painfully topical and with a respectable video.
We usually don’t write about when exactly a band performs. Here we make an exception, because this band has been with us for a long time and has voluntarily taken over the somewhat thankless job of opening the festival. So come to the Sun Stage in large numbers on Friday at 17.45 and put up your tents afterwards.